by Nichole
(Spokane, Wa)
Bachelorette Night Out
We recently had a bachelorette party for a friend...and sent her on a bachelorette scavenger hunt to pick up her friends.
She left from home and was given a clue that led her to our former high school to pick up one of her high school friend.
Then, she received a clue that sent her to her college campus to pick up a friend she had met while attending college there.
The next clue lead her to a martini bar which was one of her friends favorite martini bars...they all had martinis there before she received her next clue...
... that lead her to a carousel, which she had to ride solo before getting the next clue...
... which lead her to a hotel to have a pamper night, martinis, and fun.
At each stop during the scavenger hunt she received little presents to wear: a bachelorette shirt that had a picture of her fiance on the back, a tiara, a veil, a ring pop and a garter.
It was great fun.
Jun 12, 24 04:22 PM
Jun 10, 24 03:07 PM
May 01, 24 03:37 PM