Girls Night Out Scavenger Hunt

Gather a group of friends together to participate in this crazy girls night out scavenger hunt.

Divide into teams.

Each team will need a video camera and a good sense of humor.
To win, be the first team to complete all of the tasks and collect all of the items.

If you choose to set a time limit, the winning team will be the one who accomplishes the most in the set time.

After the hunt, meet at someone's home and have a good laugh watching the evening's video footage together.

Girls Night Out Scavenger Hunt List

01. Get a price on belly button removal from a cosmetic surgeon.

02. Have one team member get a non-permanent/henna tattoo and then ask a stranger to photograph it.

03. Have 3 strangers tell you their best dumb blond joke.

04. Get a stranger to let you bowl one ball for him/her during their on going game.

05. Knock on a stranger's door and present them with a gag gift on behalf of the 'Fun Girls of the World Club'.

06. Find a stranger to piggy back at least 3 of your team members across a street.

07. Go to a professional cosmetician or have a team member create Angelina Jolie lips on one team member and then have that same team member ask three strangers who they think she looks like.

08. Have a team member order a peanut butter and turkey sandwich and then eat at least one bite without letting on that there is anything unusual about it.

09. Have a team member ask to use the men's room at a local club.

10. Start a dance class in a parking lot and convince at least 3 strangers to join.

11. Go through a drive through and order one handsome stranger with 2 friends on the side.

12. Purchase an item of at least $3 (possibly the gag gift mentioned above) and pay the whole thing with pennies.

More girls night out activities.

More girls night out scavenger hunt lists.

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