Picture Scavenger Hunt!

by Silly
(Hammon, Louisiana, United States)

Strike a Pose!

Strike a Pose!

Ok, what you will have to do for this picture scavenger hunt is divide the people you invited to your party into however many groups you want. Each group will need a digital camera.

Depending on the age of the participants, you may also need a parent for each group to drive them around. Then, the kids will go with the parent they were assigned with and go and take pictures of every member of their group doing these tasks:

Picture Scavenger Hunt List:

1. Take a picture with a newborn
2. Take a picture in a tree
3. Take a picture with a red convertible
4. Take a picture in a cheer-leading stunt (this is a good one for all boys!)
5. Take a picture with a redhead
6. Take a picture with a horse
7. Take a picture with your group at a baseball diamond, dressed with baseball caps, baseball bat, and a baseball
8. Get as many things as possible with $1 at the dollar store (EXAMPLE- Skittles, M&M's...)
9. Take a picture in a porta-potty
10. Take a picture at a amusement park
11. Take a picture of your group on a ride at the amusement park
12. Take a picture of your group on a roof
13. Take a picture at a haunted house
14. Take a picture of two lovers
15. Take a picture on a hill
16. Take a picture at a football arena
17. Take a picture of your group reading a book
18. Take a picture of a camera
19. Take a picture of people at a nursing home
20. Go to the store, print out the pictures you took and whoever makes it back to the house with the pictures first wins!


The parents who are driving cannot tell the kids where to go.
The people hosting this party will have to give the teams $30 bucks to get all this stuff they need, including printing photos. (Any money left over goes back to the person hosting this party.)


When I did this party the prizes were $5 movie tickets. You could do something else I am just recommending movie tickets.

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