Ring a Bell
Tween Party Game
02. ... the girl who has the biggest collection of one thing (eg. dolls, coins, cds)."
03. ... the girl who has the longest fingernails."
04. ... the girl who has the smallest pinky toe."
05. ... the girl who had the highest grade in math on their last report card."
06. ... the girl who has gone to the mall the most times in the last month."
07. ... the girl who is wearing the most jewelry."
08. ... the girl who can play the most different musical instruments."
09. ... the girl who has the most trophies."
10. ... the girl who has been the furthest distance from home in the last 12 months."
11. ... the girl who has the largest pet animal."
12. ... the girl who has had the lead (or biggest part if none have had the lead) in a school play."
13. ... the girl who has the most posters hanging up in their bedroom."
14. ... the girl who has volunteered for the most charity events."
15. ... the girl who has been in the newspaper most recently."
16. ... the girl who has the most autographs of famous people."
17. ... the girl who has the tiniest purse with them at the party."
18. ... the girl who is wearing the most different colors."
19. ... the girl who has the longest hair."
20. ... the girl who has the youngest mother."
21. ... the girl who has watched the least TV in the last 7 days."
22. ... the girl who has the longest internet login name (eg. for MSN messenger or myspace)."
23. ... the girl who is the shortest."
24. ... the girl who owns the most hats."
25. ... the girl who has the craziest nickname."
Jun 12, 24 04:22 PM
Jun 10, 24 03:07 PM
May 01, 24 03:37 PM